1. Michael Reads Her Book
2. 120 Mph Sex
3. Not Yet/Courtroom
4. Bodies Still Warm
5. Sex With Michelle
6. Adam Towers Is Dead
7. Questions
8. Catherine Is Waiting
9. Legs Wide Open on a Chair
10. I Smell Blood
11. Soho
12. If She Calls Again
13. Michael Argues With Michelle
14. Olympic Toilets/Shaving Denise
15. Catherine At Police Station
16. Sex With Catherine
17. Library
18. No Apologies
19. In the Car With Washburn
20. The Long Night of the Soul
21. Jacuzzi
22. Reading the Analyst
23. Racing to Miena's
24. Washburn Dies
25. Broadmoor
26. She Tells the Plot
27. She Kisses Him Goodbye
28. End Credits
29. Yuppie Chill
30. Atlantic Bar
31. Orgy
32. Mozart Violet Concerto in A Major Minuetto